Brazil nuts benefits

You can snack your way into better health by getting some Brazil nuts. I don't mean literally snacking but getting them in with a meal or a drink.

Anytime you eat anything carbohydrates, proteins or a fats your body will produce insulin. Insulin is a anabolic hormone which means it helps build up or store.

But too often in this country we have hyperinsulinemia which is chronically high levels of insulin in the blood. Insulin it's notorious for being coupled with diabetes but hyperinsulinemia increases cancer risk. We are what we consume but we are was inside of what we are consuming. Typically we are consuming things that are high in calories and low in nutrients. Which forces the body to constantly eat throughout the day to get any more nutrients.

These nuts mainly contain selenium, magnesium and copper.

The body is a factory but it needs the right materials to build the correct parts. Too often we don't have the right materials then we end up complaining about how the parts look. This is why we have to be intentional on what we are consuming. But all of this has to happen through education on nutrition, anatomy, physiology etc. But too often we are missed educated or uneducated on all of these subjects and more. But these subjects are actual life we should make it mandatory that we know at least the foundation. Then we can build up on this.

Brazil nuts or a high in phytic acid which is seen as an anti nutrient. But to neutralize this effect just so the Brazil nuts and some water with a little bit of sea salt in them. Drain, rinse and can set out to dry. After this happens put them in the freezer. Anytime you add water to something the water breaks down the outer increasing the rate of going bad.

The thyroid produces t4 and t3. T4 is inactive which is the majority of the hormone produced and t3 is active. T4 has four iodine molecules and t3 has three iodine molecules. T4 goes to the liver and selenium helps remove one of the iodine to turn it into the active form of t3. If you have hypothyroidism selenium should be your go-to. Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid doesn't make enough thyroid hormones. With this disease both of the t3 / t4 hormones will have low levels. As I mentioned earlier getting more selenium helps increase the conversion. Since it helps with metabolism it is great for weight loss.

Selenium is a essential mineral and that helps increase white blood cell production/activity. When this mineral level is low the opposite happened white blood cells production decreasing and activity. It helps with the sperm mobility and blood flow which is essential for fertility. Having this mineral floating in your blood will decrease the risk of breast, colon, long, prostate etc cancers. In a study brazil nuts will help with improving cognitive functions. Selenium has been show to help people with Hashimoto’s disease to reduce thyroid antibodies.

Selenium is a cofactor to produce glutathione which is the body’s master antioxidant. They contain antioxidants which help reduce free radicals. Free radicals are a natural part of cell metabolism. But too many of them causes of oxidative stress which is damaging. Anytime there is free radicals there is some form of inflammation. Think of free radicals as fire🔥 antioxidants as water 💦.

Brazil health benefit sources.


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