Pomegranates benefits

If you are trying to boost your way into better health grab some pomegranates. They usually can be found from September to November but sometimes you will find them a little bit earlier or later depending variety. The number is very but usually there are over 200 seeds in each pomegranate. The redness in pomegranates come from anthocyanins. But the redness and tomatoes come from lycopene. These are two of the 10,000 phytochemicals but they are thousands or more to be discovered. Every antioxidant, vitamin, mineral, phytochemical, polyphenols etc had a discovery date. So this means there are thousands if not in the hundreds of thousands not undiscovered.

They contain antioxidants which help reduce free radicals. Free radicals are a natural part of cell metabolism. But too many of them causes of oxidative stress which is damaging. Anytime there is free radicals there is some form of inflammation. Think of free radicals as fire🔥 antioxidants as water 💦.

Humans have been studying in the anatomy thousands of years but they recently just found another organ 2018 interstitium.

3 cups of pomegranate has fiber, vitamin c, potassium, manganese, copper, vitamin B1 dining, vitamin B5, vitamin b6, vitamin b9, vitamin e, vitamin etc.

We are what we consume but we are was inside of what we are consuming. But typically what we consume is high in calories and low in nutrients. So the body forces us to consume throughout the day to get more nutrients. Then tomorrow starts it is a vicious cycle.

The Angiotensin covering enzyme (ACE) industry is worth over 5.2 billion inspecting to arrive another billion dollar each year.  The pomegranate seeds/ juice can naturally reduce the ace levels, so this is good for the heart and lowers blood pressure. I think even though is this simple an industry worth billions of dollars will not be happy about that let's be honest. Since it is good for ace, blood pressure and the heart is great for cardiovascular health.

Cardiovascular disease is number one cause of death taking a life for every 33 seconds. 7 seconds later someone is having a stroke/ heart attack. Cardiovascular disease is more of a lifestyle occurrence. Meaning more than we change our lifestyle the more rare cardiovascular disease will become. These seeds also contain vitamin K which is notorious for blood clotting. But it also helps put calcium in the bones. When calcium flows in The blood it calcifies wherever it lands at especially in the artery / heart.

When somebody goes the natural route people will say someone is trying to sell your snake going. But listen all medications have side effects. What you doing they prescribe you more medication for the side effects. So you start off on one medication you miss another and another. All medications complete nutrient signs of the body. At the same time speeding up, slowing down, blocking etc body functions. Which will lead to side effects that they end up putting your medication for.

Pomegranate would be great to help reduce the risk of c@ncer and also assist if a person has it.  Prevention is always better than intervention. But as you mean we usually do intervention before prevention. It end up crying, discomfort, irritation, frustrated about our own behaviors. The more positive, good and nourishing love that you put into yourself the better the outcome.

Exercising is mandatory for our health is not optional. So on your gym teachers told you in high school that was your last time in the gym they made a mistake. These mighty seeds help with stamina, endurance, circulation etc. Good for that immune system containing antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral etc properties. Keep you immune system functioning at all times you never know what could happen.

Vitamin C only stays in the body for 24 hours and helps with iron absorb.

Smoking anything, drinking any alcohol, stress especially wen it's chronic, sugar, medicines, processed foods/drink etc deplete it even faster so you have to consume twice the amount of Vitamin C. Vitamin C will all increase iron absorption which is great for anemia. This disease usually people colder than normal and it is increasing every year. This essential vitamin also helps collagen / tissue production.

Assists with digestion, constipation, bloating, gas, acid reflux, reduces candida overgrowth, fiber aka prebiotics etc. A prebiotic is fiber which one exist in fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, nuts, seeds etc. Fiber is not found in any form of meat I’m talking about seafood, fried kangaroo pouch, chicken, boiled platypus beak/ tail, beef, snake scales, pork, BBQ turtle back, bison, smoked patrick starfish legs, turkey, stir goose neck, elf, deer etc.

You whole digestive tract from your mouth to your anus has microbiota.  Which has bacteria, fungi, viruses etc which have good and bad functions.  Whenever the bad functions happen problems will happen. You may have heard of someone having H pyloi or candida.  The majority of people have H pyloi and everyone has candida.  It's the overgrowth of these bacteria that are the problem.  

Prebiotics is what the bacteria mainly feeds on, probiotics are the bacteria and postbiotics are the byproducts of probiotics.  Examples of postbiotics byproducts are bacterial lysates (bacteria compounds) , cell wall fragments, cell-free supernatants (bacteria and yeast compounds), exopolysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, serotonin (90% of the production), short-chain fatty acids ,Vitamin B1 thiamine, Vitamin B5 panthotenic acid, Vitamin B7 biotin, Vitamin B9 folate, Vitamin K etc.

Interesting enough they have build a $50,000,000,000 plus industry mainly based off of people being uneducated or miseducated on their health.  This is why education has to become a mandatory it shouldn't be seen as optional. 

Fiber is a carbohydrate that has 4 calories. Over 90% of people do not get into fiber in daily. There are 3 forms of fiber soluble, insoluble and resistance starch but we will focus on the first two. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and insoluble doesn’t. Soluble fiber creates a gel when it dissolves also is good for cholesterol and sugar. Insoluble fiber attracts water into your feces that makes it softer and more simple to defecate without stain. Besides not getting enough fiber not getting enough water leads to constipation. Insoluble fiber also helps increase insulin sensitivity.

Plants usually contain a mixture of both types. It’s mixed views on if you should count fiber for or against your total calorie intake. Since soluble fiber feeds the bacteria some say it should be counted towards are total calories. Some say even with that it shouldn’t count towards are total calories but substracted. To keep it safe instead of multiplying 4 calories per gram with fiber multiple by 1.5 or 2.

Pomegranate health benefit sources.










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