Only items that are common with all diets/ lifestyles.
Peace, love, blessings, positive energy and success your way.
Removing processed foods/ drinks is the only things common amongst all diets/lifestyles.
I am talking about carnivore, Atkins, cabbage, Mediterranean, keto, vegan, paleo, blood type, south beach, raw food, grapefruit, dash, alkaline, fruitarian, mucusless, pegan, bulletproof etc.
The only reason we eat/drink is to stay alive. It should only make sense that these actions can make us sick. Almost 60% of the calories consumed in the US is from processed items mainly carbohydrates. Macronutrients are carbohydrates, proteins and fats that we need in large amounts. This naturally exist in whole foods in difference portions with micronutrients. The portions in processed items are more scaled in one area, a lot of calories and lack nutrients. Our focus should be less on macronutrients and more on micronutrients. This would cut down on 90% of health problems that we face.
Today in general we our living longer but also are getting sicker earlier. Even though some reports say we our the first generation that may not outlive out parents. Even if we make it until our elder years it isn’t in the best health. If you look at the introduction of processed items health issues have been on the rise. Now correlation doesn’t mean causation. But with so many variables it’s hard to deny this.
We our what we consume but it’s deeper we our what’s inside of what we consume. With processed items we consume a lot but it’s not that much essential nutrients of what we consume. Out of these nutrients we have 13 minerals, 13 vitamins and water. Water is used in every function in the body. When these nutrients are not consume deficiencies will not to set in. Which at the foundation for conditions, diseases, disorders, illnesses etc.
Common mineral deficiencies are potassium, iron, magnesium, vitamin , vitamin e, iodine, vitamin a, vitamin b12, calcium etc. Subclinical deficiencies (internal) are changes of micronutrients in the blood or tissue. Clinical deficiencies (external) are changes to bone formation, oral cavity, nails, skin or disturbances in functions of cells/tissues. Deficiencies like health problems are so common when people suffer it doesn’t raise eyebows.
Earlier I mentioned that almost 60% of the calories in this country comes from processed items. How many items do you consume that is from whole unprocessed fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, nuts, seeds, meats, mushrooms etc? If it’s hard to think about more then likely you fit into the percentage. But it’s okay because you took time out of your day to read so far you are in the right direction.
Your focus should be consuming more good then bad. This way you will have a easier road ahead of you. Too often we want to eliminate all the bad with the good. But whatever gives us pleasure the body becomes addicted to. Start to consume more of the whole fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, nuts, seeds, mushrooms etc that you like. Keep doing this more and more weekly. The unhealthy habits will filter their way out.
Thanks for spending this time with me appreciate it. Peace, love, blessing, positive energy and success your way.