How to thrive in cold/ flu season.

Peace, love, blessings, positive energy and success your way.

Being proactive is better then reactive and prevention is cheaper then intervention. It’s not about what you see coming that hurt the most it’s about what you don’t see.

Having a strong immune system is the best way to thrive in cold/ flu season. This system is 1# way to defend the body with unwanted bacteria, fugus, parasites, virus etc. This is 24 hours, 7 days a week and 365 days out the year war.

It can be broken down into two main parts the innate and adaptive. The innate immune system is the first responders like the police. We are born with a innate system from our parents mostly our mother. This come with the dendritic cells, leukocytes (white blood cells), natural killer cells, plasma proteins etc. The adaptive immune system is the Swat team. This system is build up over time (through memory) with t cells, b cells, macrophages, cytotoxic (t cells) that are made to know and attack antigen (familiar bacteria, fugus, parasites, virus etc). A person with a organ transplant has to take medication forever because the adaptive immune cells will attack it.

The foundation of a healthy immune system is nutrition, fasting, exercise, sunlight, environment and thoughts.


Hydration is normally connected to when it’s hot outside. But no matter the temperature water is used in every function of the body. On average a individual is losing 32 oz daily through perspiration, urination, respiratory and defecation daily. Think about how much energy you put into hydrating yourself in the water in cooler months? Typically when it’s cool too often individuals get cool off drinking or eating water.

Water helps with the lymph move through the boy easier, assist with nutrient absorption/digestion (Especially Vitamin B Complex b1, b2, b3, b5, b6 b7, b9, b12 and vitamin c), transport oxygen/nutrients, remove carbon dioxide, removes waste/ toxins, detoxifies the body, etc.

Dehydration is very problematic for the mind and body. Like high blood pressure it is a silent killer. The main reason why is because the body/ mind will get conditioned to it if it keeps happens. The blood will thicken which slows down getting rid of toxins/waste and decrease circulation. Which are 2 foundation bricks to overall health. It may seem small but eating/drinking right is life changing.

When water is not in the body all of these functions and more are effected. Consistency is everything when it comes to life especially with our nourishment/ health. Make sure you are drinking or eating water throughout the day. Eating water i am referring to consuming fruits and vegetables. Don’t try to overcompensate drinking/ eating water if you missed throughout the day. Habits is built not built over night but multi nights.


This is one of the most overlooked, confusing, neglected, rejected, overlooked, unappreciated, miseducated, undereducated etc subjects that our very lives depend. The only reason why we eat/ drink is to stay alive. So these same 2 actions cause health problems/ death. Our focus should be switched from calories into nutrients. Too often the foods/ drinks are high in calories and low in nutrients. There is a difference between being healthy and nourished. But so often they are used as if they are interchangeable. You can be healthy and malnourished but you can’t be nourished and not healthy. (Hold other blog but i will talk about it a little.)

The most notorious nutrients for our immune system is zinc and vitamin c. We have to constantly remind ourselves that the body is one but made of different units. This is why doing good/ bad in one area will effect the next. Both these nutrients will help immunity but also zinc, vitamin d, vitamin c, selenium, iron, vitamin e, copper, vitamin b9, magnesium, glutamine, etc.

Zinc helps with the development/ functions of the immune system. Vitamin C forms antibodies and produces/functions/ movement of white blood cells. Vitamin D helps regulate b cell and active t cells. Selenium increases white blood cells and decrease infection risk especially pneumonia. Iron regulates immune system especially in the intestines. Vitamin E helps widen blood vessels to decrease clots, produces t cells, reduces inflammation and decreases infection risk. Copper is good for the production/ differences of immune cells and provides antifungal agents. Vitamin B9 assist with DNA and T cell production. Magnesium helps fight infection and is antiviral. Glutamine strengthens the immune system, reduce inflammation/ infections and speeds up recovery.


Many people will see fasting and think they can never do it but it happens every night it's called sleeping. Fasting has been around from the beginning of time. This is when you are staying from all or some kinds of foods, drinks, activities etc. On top of this is absolutely free. But it will take some dedication, consistency and persistency to make it through it. You don't know how addicted you are in to something until you go without it. It is very similar to being a drug addict/ alcoholic. Everything is fine when the substances is around but when they are not withdraw symptoms are wild. 

The first law of nature is self-preservation this is the very reason why we eat / drink. Everything else goes on the back burner even when we are sick. We can tell when an animal is sick because they do not eat anything. Not eating is a form of fasting. Not eating slides drinking will make the body focus on recovering itself. But typically when people get sick they want to eat a lot of food to mentally slash emotionally feel better. But it's actually counterproductive and physically, emotionally and mentally decreasing the recovery great.

Fasting helps regulate white blood cell Mobility. At the same time redirects them between the bone marrow and tissues/ circulation. The monocytes is a type of blood cell that actually goes back into the bone marrow to somewhat hibernate. Monocytes have a short life so fast and actually helps extend longevity. Autophagy also happens while fasting which is a process of recycling. The body is constantly always trying to build up into a better version of itself. But whenever we eat/ drink this process stops. But picks up again when we are sleeping which is a normal form of fasting. Fasting is also a great way to help you if you have autoimmune diseases. 

Sunlight/ environment

Sunlight is one of the most overlooked, misunderstood and free subjects around. As human beings we should be going outside as much as possible. The immune system is only strong as what it is going against. One of the worst things for a person to do is stay indoors. There is no such thing as hiding from bacteria, fungus is, parasites, viruses etc. Staying indoors will weaken the immune system. One of the main reasons why is because of the air quality indoors is more dirty than outside. 

On top of this we are not getting the sun rays to make vitamin d. No vitamin D is actually a hormone it is not vitamin. The best times to make vitamin D is between 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. but the majority of people are actually in a building during this time. Children need higher levels of vitamin D for bone growth/development. Having recess also helps children have higher levels of vitamin D than adults. Adults especially the ones that work in the healthcare facilities have to make sure they are getting some sunlight in 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. is the best time to absorb uvb. UVB is used to help convert sunlight into Vitamin D and the kidney / liver.

I know people have this Utopia sense that we are all the same.

 But you're very skin shows that there is a difference. 

People who are lighter need less sunlight because their body can make more vitamin d. People who are darker need more light because their body makes less vitamin d. Making less or more has to do with melanin. This substance is in all people the amount is higher and darker people. This is a natural sunscreen while this may sound good it is bad to group everyone else together. You will have dark skin people thinking they don't need that much sound like when they actually need more. There are vitamin D receptors on almost every cell in the body. The darker you are the more vitamin D receptors you will have. This is the body given itself more of a chance to turn this essential sun rays into Vitamin d.

The very thoughts that you think will affect your immune system. Cortisol is a essential hormone that is found throughout the body. The main role is regulating our stress responses. But also deals with helping the body control use of fat, proteins, carbohydrates, metabolism, inflammation and blood pressure. There is nothing wrong with having a little bit of this hormone flowing around the blood.  

When it starts to become at abundant levels the problems set in. Interesting enough if you are stressed out in an increase blood sugars/ insulin through gluconeogenesis.  This hormone also depletes magnesium, come on vitamin c, vitamin a, vitamin e, selenium, zinc, iron Etc. In 2020 a life changing virus came that shut down the world in his tracks. Anxiety/depression was through the roof and immune system was falling dramatically. It increases your risk of becoming infected. Find a way to manage your stress levels of things that you life life love to do. This will overall decrease your cortisol and improve your immune system.

I can go on and on about this subject but I will be seeing you in the future for part two. Peace and love thanks for your time and energy for reading this. Have a successful, blessed, positive and inspirational type of day.


Mullein benefits


Only items that are common with all diets/ lifestyles.