Cayenne pepper

You can spice your way to better health by grabbing some cayenne pepper. Capsaicin is the compound that gives pepper is spiciness.  Starting to get larger on my own so this spice in to have more benefits is best to get it in supplements or tinctures.This is the main ingredient when it comes to most high sauces especially my favorite louisiana. They contain a decent amount of vitamin C and beta-carotene.  Beta-carotene is a precursor of vitamin a. 

Circulation is the name of the game when it comes to our health. The more that blood is circulating the healthier a person will be in. Too often my blood is not circulating as much as it can. Cayenne pepper increases nitric oxide which increases circulation. Anything that helps with circulation will help the metabolism and boost energy.

Everything that exists in the body comes from a chemical reaction.  Substance p is the messenger that is sent to the brain when there is some type of pain.  So if you are experiencing this grab some cayenne e pepper it will help decrease substance p. 

Your body is bet like a Bentley, Ferrari, BMW, Mercedes-Benz or other luxury cars.  If you don't service it regularly or put the best products in it eventually will break down. The same exact thing happens to the body it just takes a while to happen. Which is problematic for someone trying to inform you about proper nutrition/nourishment. The body can put up with almost anything but that does not mean it should.

Contrary to popular belief cayenne pepper will not make ulcers worse. These peppers actually prevent or reduce the risk of them even happening. The main cause of ulcers in the stomach is increase h pylori. This is great for suppressing appetite. Good for the immune system with antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral etc properties. 

We have to constantly test generational wisdom because a old cure can be a new poison. They used to recommend one aspirin a day will help prevent a heart attack of stroke. Based off of his blood thinning properties. Recently in 2019 the American college of cardiology and the American heart association advises people do not take a aspirin a day. The same blood thinner properties that you find in Aspirin you will find any natural source such as Cayenne pepper.

Consuming Cayenne pepperoni daily will help with age-related macular disease, cataracts, glaucoma, night blindness etc. This amazing plan is also good for relieving water tension.

The vitamin C can be good for someone who has have anemia. There are two different forms of iron non-heme and heme iron. Non heme iron is found in plants but heme iron and nonheme iron is found in meats. Meat has 40 to 45% heme iron and 55 to 60% non-heme iron. Only 20 to 30% of the heme iron is actually absorbed while 5 to 12% of the non-heme iron is absorb. Containing vitamin c helps increase non heme iron absorption.

The intestines regulate how much nonheme iron that is absorbed but don’t regulate heme iron. If you have iron but consume meats there could be a deeper problem. A person could be low on Vitamin C which helps increase your absorption of non heme iron. Being low on copper is a problem as well because it helps transports iron into cells. Being low on vitamin D is dangerous it helps with iron absorption.

If you are on medication such as blood thinner / pressure/ ace inhibitors, Etc check in with your health care professional to see if there are any interactions. Since cayenne pepper naturally lowers blood pressure cayenne pepper if you are taking something that's artificial medication the levels will drop too low.

Cayenne pepper benefits health sources

This is for educational information only this is not medical advice. Not approved by the FDA to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose health issues. The only things that are undeniable is seeing your blood work change and how something make you feel. We only have one life to live our body runs on nutrition so please give it the right ones.


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