Chia seeds benefits

Spoon your way into better health by getting some chia seeds in.  Yes these are the same seeds in the chia plants my people that were around in the 1980s or 1990s you know what i am talking about.  Too often as humans we make things so complex when they can be so simple. Life is in a Sprint as a marathon.  Chia seeds mainly comes in black and white. Chia sees have been used for hundreds of years mainly in South america. You can consume these whole seeds or in the powder.

Inside of seeds are the materials to help make another plant. So if you are consuming seeds for the nutrients and don't open them is counterproductive. Education means the most especially when it comes to our health. This is why we have to study nutrition, anatomy, physiology etc. There should be mandatory classes K through the 12th grade and above on all of these subjects. 

Digestion starts at the mouth and at the anus. So everything that we eat or drink is giving us life or is taking it away from us.  We are what we consume but we are was inside of what we are consuming. And typically usually what we consume is high calories and low nutrients. Which forces a person to consume throughout the day to get in nutrients. Chia seeds are in good source of fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, myricetin,  copper, magnesium, quercetin, selenium, kaempferol, vitamin B1, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid etc. 

They contain antioxidants which help reduce free radicals. Free radicals are a natural part of cell metabolism. But too many of them causes of oxidative stress which is damaging. Anytime there is free radicals there is some form of inflammation. Think of free radicals as fire🔥 antioxidants as water 💦.

I talk about education a lot because without it we are doing from the beginning. For bare minimum health omega-3 to omega-6  is supposed to be a 4 to 1 ratio. Four omega-3s to every omega-6. When this country is actually the opposite and higher 10 to 30 times omega-6 to one Omega-3.  Everything in the body has a close relationship with something else. The higher the omega-6 the more inflammation the body has. 

There are three different forms of Omega-3 

Chia seeds are known for being high in omega-3s. But chia seeds are only high in ALA. Usually ALA is converted into EPA and then is converted again into DHA. The majority of people do not have the genetics to have this connection run correctly. Normally people worry about vegans being deficient and omega-3s. But the majority of people even the ones who consume me do not have a proper amount in their bloodstream. 

The mucilage is a soluble fiber that becomes gel like when chia seeds come in contact with liquid. This is what helps chia seeds absorbed 10 to 27 times their weight in liquid. Which also is great for helping suppress the appetite. 

If you are trying to lose weight two tablespoons of grounded chia seeds in 16 oz of water 30 minutes before a meal will help. This will help increase the fullness making you not eat that much. These seeds are great when it comes to blood pressure. You also notice when you start consuming these your blood sugars will become more regulated.

Assists with digestion, constipation, bloating, gas, acid reflux, reduces candida overgrowth, fiber aka prebiotics etc. A prebiotic is fiber which one exist in fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, nuts, seeds etc. Fiber is not found in any form of meat I’m talking about seafood, fried kangaroo pouch, chicken, boiled platypus beak/ tail, beef, snake scales, pork, BBQ turtle back, bison, smoked patrick starfish legs, turkey, stir goose neck, elf, deer etc.

You whole digestive tract from your mouth to your anus has microbiota.  Which has bacteria, fungi, viruses etc which have good and bad functions.  Whenever the bad functions happen problems will happen. You may have heard of someone having H pyloi or candida.  The majority of people have H pyloi and everyone has candida.  It's the overgrowth of these bacteria that are the problem.  

Prebiotics is what the bacteria mainly feeds on, probiotics are the bacteria and postbiotics are the byproducts of probiotics.  Examples of postbiotics byproducts are bacterial lysates (bacteria compounds) , cell wall fragments, cell-free supernatants (bacteria and yeast compounds), exopolysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, serotonin (90% of the production), short-chain fatty acids ,Vitamin B1 thiamine, Vitamin B5 panthotenic acid, Vitamin B7 biotin, Vitamin B9 folate, Vitamin K etc.

Interesting enough they have build a $50,000,000,000 plus industry mainly based off of people being uneducated or miseducated on their health.  This is why education has to become a mandatory it shouldn't be seen as optional. 

Fiber is a carbohydrate that has 4 calories. Over 90% of people do not get into fiber in daily. There are 3 forms of fiber soluble, insoluble and resistance starch but we will focus on the first two. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and insoluble doesn’t. Soluble fiber creates a gel when it dissolves also is good for cholesterol and sugarInsoluble fiber attracts water into your feces that makes it softer and more simple to defecate without stain. Besides not getting enough fiber not getting enough water leads to constipation. Insoluble fiber also helps increase insulin sensitivity.

Plants usually contain a mixture of both types. It’s mixed views on if you should count fiber for or against your total calorie intake. Since soluble fiber feeds the bacteria some say it should be counted towards are total calories. Some say even with that it shouldn’t count towards are total calories but substracted. To keep it safe instead of multiplying 4 calories per gram with fiber multiple by 1.5 or 2.

Manganese assist vitamin K with blood clotting. Needed to metabolize Amino acids, carbohydrates, cholesterol and carbohydrates. Part of Superoxide dismutase (SOD) which helped break down free radicals and speeds up certain chemical reactions. Regulates blood sugars and helps with calcium absorption. Helps make thyroid hormone thyroxine t4.

Magnesium is an essential mineral that has over 300 different biochemical reactions in the body. The magnesium helps promote better sleep quality, length of resting and improved energy while waking. Magnesium helps with vitamin D absorption and metabolism. Remember everything is connected in life until we realize this we will always be in a bad position. Because when people are low in vitamin D people are normally given in vitamin d. But they don't think about the magnesium which is a cofactor. This essential mineral helps increase serotonin. Individuals who are depressed and only have lower levels of this hormone. Reduces risk of prostate cancer.

 Over 50% of the people in this country do not consume enough of this. It is needed to reduce ATP which is the body's main source of energy. It helps control muscle functions and relaxation. They also helps close the cardiac signature which is a lid over the heart. So if you experience the acid reflux, Gerd, heartburn is that a way make sure you get your magnesium levels up. Magnesium and calcium actually have an interesting relationship. Magnesium normally binds to spice in proteins and muscles which stops calcium from causing muscle tension. This helps give muscles time to relax. And also helps maintain calcium in the bone. Decreases see reactive protein CRP which is a inflammatory marker. It is used in creating / repairing DNA/RNA. Regulation neurotransmitters which is the way that cells send messages to the nervous system. Not only does it help produce insulin but it also helps the insulin put blood sugars into cells better. If a person is experiencing migraines or headaches getting this in is life-changing. Great for helping PMS symptoms such as bloating, hot flashes, irritability, stress etc

This is a good source of iron for all my people that have anemia. There are two different forms of iron non-heme and heme iron. Non heme iron is found in plants but heme iron and nonheme iron is found in meats. Meat has 40 to 45% heme iron and 55 to 60% non-heme iron. Only 20 to 30% of the heme iron is actually absorbed while 5 to 12% of the non-heme iron is absorb. Containing vitamin c helps increase non heme iron absorption.

The intestines regulate how much nonheme iron that is absorbed but don’t regulate heme iron. If you have iron but consume meats there could be a deeper problem. A person could be low on Vitamin C which helps increase your absorption of non heme iron. Being low on copper is a problem as well because it helps transports iron into cells. Being low on vitamin D is dangerous it helps with iron absorption.

Chia seed benefits health sources.

This is for educational information only this is not medical advice. Not approved by the FDA to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose health issues. The only things that are undeniable is seeing your blood work change and how something make you feel. We only have one life to live our body runs on nutrition so please give it the right ones.




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