Grapes benefits


They say the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice is a true statement. In a general sense the more color or darker or something is the more nutrient dense it will be. All grapes contain anthocyanins which gives use most fruit flat vegetables red, blue or purple color. But the same antioxidant is present in most grapes the levels just change. There was a great book written on grapes called The Grape Cure by Johanna Brandt. 

You can bite down on better health when you constantly get grapes or grape seeds in.   It's best to get them with seeds from fresh grapes. If you cannot get seated grapes you also can eat the seedless ones. Even though I'm not the biggest fan the majority of people are not eating fruits in the first place.  So something is better than nothing but in due time switch to the seeded grapes.  Progress is a process so I know things will not change overnight but change overnights.  

But we live in a society when most things are chosen off of instant gratification and not delayed gratification. But life in itself should be based off of delayed gratification over instant gratification. Because the condition of our life currently is based off of decisions we have made. And when you look at it the majority of our decisions is usually based off of right in the moment or instant gratification. But if you work a job AKA hustle you know you have to put the work in to receive a payment. The same thing is true with our health but since it is not physical currency we usually don't have the long site return value. 

They contain antioxidants which help reduce free radicals. Free radicals are a natural part of cell metabolism. But too many of them causes of oxidative stress which is damaging. Anytime there is free radicals there is some form of inflammation. Think of free radicals as fire🔥 antioxidants as water 💦.

Grapes are technically berries in botany and they are one of the healthiest foods you can consume. Resveratrol is a polyphenol that gives Grace most of his health benefits. Resveratrol and grapes go hand in hand like a prayer. This polyphenol and chocolates, blueberries, cranberries caramel raspberry, mulberries, pistachios, peanuts, cacoa, etc. resveratrol is also good for a decrease in insulin resistance, increasing insulin sensitivity, improving insulin prayer reduction, protecting pancreas beta cells and increase in the number of insulin receptors.  We are what we consume but we have to remember more we are was inside of what we are consuming. And too often we consume things that are high in calories and low in nutrients. Which actually tricks the body to eat more throughout the day to get more nourishment. 

Is the similar to drinking sea water for hydration but the salt dehydrates the body. So you have to drink more which in the long term will damage the kidneys. 

Grapes contain vitamin K which is notorious for helping with blood clotting. The other unknown fact is vitamin K helps put calcium in the bone. Otherwise calcium will float around but come in calcified mainly in the veins and in the hearts. Calcification will create inflammation and then cholesterol will come to save the day. Cholesterol is not bad it is the foundation of every hormone. Calcification and cholesterol will attract other things this morning in the blood. When too much of this is built up it creates atherosclerosis. Which can lead to a heart attack, ischaemic stroke.  

Three cups of red grapes was shown to lower LDL and total cholesterol. They contain quercetin which is great for the heart and the brain. If you are trying to lose weight this will be a game changer.  When it comes to diabetes we have to think the majority of people over 90% are not getting enough fruit in. Study after study after study shows increasing fruit intake decreases diabetes risk. On top of regulating blood sugars, decreasing insulin resistance and increase in insulin sensitivity. 

Grapes are sweet to The taste but they actually have a low index and load. The glycemic index is a measurement on how quickly a food raises blood sugar. The glycemic load is how much of that food it takes to affect the blood sugar. This is why we actually have to learn the sciences. Because something can have a high glycemic index but the amount of the food that it takes to get a blood sugars high maybe a large amount.

They contain lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids that are found in high concentrations in the eyes. These nutrients along with capsanthin help reduce age related macular degeneration and cataracts. Grapes will also decrease age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic eye diseases etc. 

Assists with digestion, constipation, bloating, gas, acid reflux, reduces candida overgrowth, fiber aka prebiotics etc. A prebiotic is fiber which one exist in fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, nuts, seeds etc. Fiber is not found in any form of meat I’m talking about seafood, fried kangaroo pouch, chicken, boiled platypus beak/ tail, beef, snake scales, pork, BBQ turtle back, bison, smoked patrick starfish legs, turkey, stir goose neck, elf, deer etc.

You whole digestive tract from your mouth to your anus has microbiota.  Which has bacteria, fungi, viruses etc which have good and bad functions.  Whenever the bad functions happen problems will happen. You may have heard of someone having H pyloi or candida.  The majority of people have H pyloi and everyone has candida.  It's the overgrowth of these bacteria that are the problem.  

Prebiotics is what the bacteria mainly feeds on, probiotics are the bacteria and postbiotics are the byproducts of probiotics.  Examples of postbiotics byproducts are bacterial lysates (bacteria compounds) , cell wall fragments, cell-free supernatants (bacteria and yeast compounds), exopolysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, serotonin (90% of the production), short-chain fatty acids ,Vitamin B1 thiamine, Vitamin B5 panthotenic acid, Vitamin B7 biotin, Vitamin B9 folate, Vitamin K etc.

Interesting enough they have build a $50,000,000,000 plus industry mainly based off of people being uneducated or miseducated on their health.  This is why education has to become a mandatory it shouldn't be seen as optional. 

Fiber is a carbohydrate that has 4 calories. Over 90% of people do not get into fiber in daily. There are 3 forms of fiber soluble, insoluble and resistance starch but we will focus on the first two. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and insoluble doesn’t. Soluble fiber creates a gel when it dissolves also is good for cholesterol and sugar. Insoluble fiber attracts water into your feces that makes it softer and more simple to defecate without stain. Besides not getting enough fiber not getting enough water leads to constipation. Insoluble fiber also helps increase insulin sensitivity.

Plants usually contain a mixture of both types. It’s mixed views on if you should count fiber for or against your total calorie intake. Since soluble fiber feeds the bacteria some say it should be counted towards are total calories. Some say even with that it shouldn’t count towards are total calories but substracted. To keep it safe instead of multiplying 4 calories per gram with fiber multiple by 1.5 or 2.

Has antibacterial and antifungal properties. The more of these you consume can help with longevity and have an anti-aging effects. Consuming things that have been here for a long time we'll also keep you here for a long time. But even if you are not here for a long time they will decrease the risk of having health problems. Quality of life is the name of the game. You want to be here as long as possible with the best health. But we are living longer now but the last couple of our years we are more sicker than generations before. We are actually the only generation in history that may night I live our parents. 

Grapes are great for our sleep. Because they are a natural source of melatonin.  In all actuality varies in general do this. This will affect our circadian rhythm which is our internal clock.  Waking before you look at anything electronic or turn on the light go outside. This will help your body increase serotonin and cortisol will also go up for a short period of time. Serotonin is what keeps us up in melatonin is what keeps us to sleep. If you are trying to increase your sleep lengths/quality reduce electronic use a few hours before sleeping.

 This is why we have to study more because this is our actual life. It should be kind of strange that we don't have mandatory classes K through the 12th grade when it comes to nutrition, anatomy, physiology etc all of this is dealing with our actual self.  Grapes also have a diuretic effect which will reduce water tension. If someone is going through chemotherapy / radiation should be your best friend. That will help reduce the side effects. 

Grapes health benefits sources

These posts are for educational information only this is not medical advice. Not approved by the FDA to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose health issues. The only things that are undeniable is seeing your blood work change and how something make you feel. We only have one life to live our body runs on nutrition so please give it the right ones. 


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