Aloe Vera
Aloe vera
Lean onto better health internally or eternally with Aloe Vera. The main parts use of Aloe Vera is the gel inside of the leaves. Even though aloe vera and agave look similar they are not related. You will often find this plant in creams, incense, makeups, moisturizers, shaving creams, soaps, mouthwash, sunscreens etc. You can make a at home hair conditioner might just blending up the gel in the leaves which will help moisturize, thicken, give Fuller look, dandruff etc. But in a general sense everything that can be used externally cannot be used internally. Tea tree oil is great for this external but deadly is consumed internally.
If a person experiences a burn rubbing the gel from aloe Vera leaf can help. This also can help speed up wound healing, sunburns, acne, psoriasis, dry skin etc.
Great for the immune system has a antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral properties. If you have plaque or bad breath gargling the gel would be great.
40 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes. 35 million with type 2 and 5 million with type 1. Type 2 is more of a lifestyle related and type 1 is autoimmune. But there is said to be over 100 million plus people who have diabetes or prediabetes. Aloe Vera is good for reduce blood sugars in people who have pre-diabetes.
Helps wit nutrient absorption, acid reflux, constipation, boosts metabolism, promotes fat loss etc.
Aloe Vera health benefits sources